Learn how you can help CAP-HO Save Children's Lives

Admission & Policies

Admission at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center, Beirut is subject to a very specific protocol.


As soon as a sick child arrives at Saint George Hospital, and if for financial reasons he/she is not allowed access and admission, the child is immediately taken in charge by Cap-Ho thus may start receiving medical treatment.


Volunteers are present on the hospital premises on a daily bases to examine the medical files of each patient referred to Cap-Ho by St. Georges Hospital doctors or even by other charitable organizations. Each medical case is carefully reviewed in coordination with the hospital's pediatricians and management to make sure help is always available to the children and families who needed most.

Since July 2016,Cap-Ho is growing and spreading outside of Saint George Hospital, helping some children in need at the Quarantina governmental hospital,in Carlos Slim Pediatric Center, in collaboration with the NGO Assameh,Birth&Beyond.

Cap-Ho financialy assists those children, taking care of the hospital expenses.